The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Word.Life: A brand new podcast from Donney Rose (Writer/Chief Content Editor at The North Star)

Word.Life: A brand new podcast from Donney Rose (Writer/Chief Content Editor at The North Star)

Trailer episode for new TNS podcast centered on revolutionary literary art and music!

I have to be out this week, so the staff is going to play episodes from throughout the podcast network we have developed here at The North Star. Today, here's the preview episode of our newest podcast Word.Life hosted by our from our Chief Content editor, Donney Rose!

Episode Script:

This is Donney Rose and you are tuned into Word.Life where we unpack the intersections of literary art, music, politics and revolution. Art imitates life. Life is often a series of rebellions. Let’s dive into the messages inspired by the movements.

Episode Script: Welcome to Word.Life, the newest podcast of The North Star Media Group. I came up with this idea to highlight the intersections of literary art, music, politics and revolution from an organic place. I have spent just over the last two decades of my life as a performance poet, a teaching artist, an event organizer, an advocate and most recently as an editor.

Throughout that time I have witnessed the impact of revolutionary art both as an observer and a creator. I have been able to bear witness to the power of words and messages that on the surface may have been meant to entertain, but beneath the surface functioned as a blueprint for change and encouraged its audiences to use radical imagination to shape the world into what they wanted it to be. Each week on Word.Life I will be looking at radical works of literary art and revolutionary music, unpacking the context and intent of the messaging.

Sometimes, I will be joined in conversation by the creators of the work. Sometimes, I will be giving my best interpretation of what a certain piece of art was intended to get across or accomplish. Either way, I hope that you’ll join me in threading the intersection of art imitating life, and in discovering the lessons the creators meant for us to take from their offerings.

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s edition of Word.Life. Be sure to check us out next Thursday for another episode and be sure to leave us a gold star review. Peace, creativity and revolution!

Word.Life is a weekly podcast that is released every Thursday on all streaming platforms, including Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, & Google Play and streaming on Twitch & YouTube.

The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.