
I must say this as loudly as I can. As long as voter suppression is real and unchallenged in the south, Ron can win! He is, as you pointed out Shaun, a much more dangerous version of Donald Trump, who has turned our society back over 70 years. He would defeat Joe Biden very easily. I don’t understand why his destructive tactics have not been checked and why National Media has such an obsession with him. This guy does not have an original bone in his body, using any excuse to rile up his base who, by voting for him, are voting against themselves. There are many warning signs here and I hope all who listen to you will understand the seriousness of this situation and flip it on its head. Cheering book bans then claiming it is just a “Made up outside Media lie” shows you just how callous and calculating his guy is. I hope Disney shuts down Disney World and moves it to another area. DeSantis needs to be stopped. And you are right: We deserve better. But we will probably not get better.

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Totally agree. The Republican Party has had enough of the collateral damage of Trumps style, so they will pick DeSantis. Biden is too old to spar with him.

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Wrong! Ron deathSantis is hitler. The more he tries to create a whiny white boy state the more diverse ppl will come out of the woodwork to vote for anybody but him!

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I hope you are right, but I doubt it

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I’ve been reading several articles on Substack; Robert Reich, Seth’s Proof, one of them noted he doesn’t hold up under questions! When he decides to run I think, ok fine I hope white ppl will see him for who he is! A smarmy, whiny, egotistical monster! You know a rePUGliCON...death cult works too!

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