The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Ep. 672 - The murder of PnB Rock and the exhausting cycle of gun violence in America

Ep. 672 - The murder of PnB Rock and the exhausting cycle of gun violence in America


Listen to me. Stop thinking of the Wild Wild West as something that took place in the 1800s. We are living in it RIGHT NOW. And day after day, week after week, month after month, we can reasonably assume that men, women, boys, and girls are going to get slaughtered by guns in America.

Experts say that 316 people PER DAY are shot in America. PER DAY!!! This is not OK.

Many developed nations don't have 316 people shot PER YEAR. Some don't even have that many per DECADE.

And in this country, doubly so in our own communities, gun violence is chewing us up and spitting us out. I don't believe we have any easy answers or solutions, but what I do know is that what we are doing right now simply is not enough.

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The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.