The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Ep. 546 - The Wealth Gap of the Middle Class

Ep. 546 - The Wealth Gap of the Middle Class

I have to be out this week, so the staff is going to replay some of their favorite episodes from throughout the podcast network we have developed here at The North Star. Here's an episode from The Momentum Advisors from the end of summer that breaks down the wealth gap of the middle class. A very important topic of our times. 

[From The Momentum Advisors] Keeping liquid savings on hand in case of an emergency is one area where Americans of all income brackets are falling short--especially the "middle class." But what is this middle class? Is it defined by a salary range, household income or aspirational possessions? And is being in the "middle class" all it's chalked up to be? On this episode we answer all these questions while addressing the wealth gap of the middle class and how to thrive in it.

The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.