The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Ep. 491 - Cooperative Economics

Ep. 491 - Cooperative Economics

While I'm away on vacation, the staff at The North Star will be playing some of our favorite episodes from some of our other podcast series. Today, here's an episode of Momentum Advisors from February where they broke down cooperative economics. It's a great one! Be sure to subscribe to them on your favorite podcasting platform!

The fourth principle of Kwanzaa is "Ujamaa": Cooperative Economics. This is often defined as coming together to build and maintain our own businesses and real estate to profit from them, together. Black people have been building and benefitting from cooperative economics for decades, particularly in parts of the economy where we’ve been cut out by major institutions. In this episode, we explore the various ways you can capitalize on cooperative economics today.

The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.