The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Ep. 414 - Are we supposed to be silent when Democrats do wrong?

Ep. 414 - Are we supposed to be silent when Democrats do wrong?

Yesterday, a beloved leader in New York came forward to say that she was sexually assaulted and harassed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

She provided detailed receipts, text messages, and emails - and gave names, dates, and locations.

And by and large, prominent Democrats were COMPLETELY SILENT. I mean nothing.

And here's what I know - if the exact same person, wrote the exact same story, with the exact same evidence, but Cuomo's name was substituted with Donald Trump - Democrats would be OUTRAGED.

And this simply is not OK.

This podcast is produced by The North Star, a Black-owned and operated independent media platform for liberation-journalism. If you want to support The Breakdown and the work we do, head on over to for more content.

The North Star with Shaun King
The Breakdown with Shaun King
Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.